Meet your councillors for Vivary on Taunton Town Council
Amber Packer-Hughes
Orginally I was born in Taunton and came back to have a family here 20 years ago. I have been actively involved in the Taunton community ever since.
I am a founder member of Friends of French Weir Park, spent 12 years as a governor of North Town School and am a trustee of 2BU Somerset. I ran my own catering business before becoming the marketing officer for Somerset Registration Service, as well as working with the Library service.
I’m passionate about building a strong, vibrant community and making Taunton the best it can be.
It has been an honour to be Deputy Leader of the Council since May 2024.
Connor Sollé
I live in the centre of Taunton with my wife and I am a carpenter for my family’s company.
My passions include heritage buildings, architecture and history. I love to see our local heritage appreciated and restored. In my own time, I play football for a local team. I also have an interest in crypto currency and supporting local businesses.
I want to help do my part to improve Taunton’s reputation as a positive and happy place to live, for businesses to invest and for residents to be proud to call their home.
Contact Cllr Connor Sollé and Cllr Amber Packer-Hughes
Cllr Connor Sollé
Telephone: 07918 621137
Email: cllr.c.solle@taunton-tc.gov.uk
Cllr Amber Packer-Hughes
Telephone: 07929 019268