Meet your councillors for Victoria on Taunton Town Council
Paul Tooze
Paul has lived in Taunton for over 22 years and works at the UK Hydrographic Office.
He has been a resident of Eastbourne Road now for over 8 years, and so is fully aware of the challenges and issues which need to be tackled locally. If elected, living in the ward will ensure if you need his assistance he will be able to respond quickly.
Paul has experience having been an elected member on Taunton Deane Borough Council between 2011 and 2015.
Richard Lees
Richard has been a district councillor for almost 24 years. In that time he has been Mayor of Taunton (2005/06), and Vice Chair of Somerset West and Taunton Council. Richard lives close to the town centre and is married to Sue, with two daughters and two granddaughters.
Richard is registered blind, but he has never let that stop him from doing the best for the residents he represents and is always happy to help. Richard will work hard to make the new Taunton Town Council a success.
Contact Cllr Paul Tooze and Cllr Richard Lees
Cllr Paul Tooze
Telephone: 07884 070391
Email: cllr.p.tooze@taunton-tc.gov.uk
Cllr Richard Lees
Telephone: 01823 284374